24 March 2010

Monique's - The second attempt

For this second attempt at Monique's Special Brew (see No. 3 for the first) we have started with coopers lager. It was cheap but more importantly it was around the corner at the grocery store. Then we added a kilo of Chez Pilsner Malt in lieu of sugar.

I felt like living it up so we put in a bit more of the crystal malt and lager grain to see what that would do to it. And we shuffled around the hops a bit not changing the quantity just the time in the wort.

200g Crystal Grain
50g Light Lager
30min 15min 0min
NZ Hallertau 10g 5g
Stickenbract 15g 15g
Organic Hops 5g

The method is the same:

Steep the Grain
Boil the wort, put in the hops at the appropriate hour.
Mix it up with water in the fermenter.
(We did run the malt through a sieve to remove all the dried Organic Hops.)
Toss on the yeast and pray.

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